ER doctor explodes with truths about cognitive dissonance and what he witnessed in the emergency rooms during the plandemic.
Posts for Tag: cognitive action
Stroke season
Everyone has VAIDS - vaxx-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Sudden deaths continue to explode at the beginning of 2023
"Sudden deaths" of children and young, previously healthy people, continue to be reported here at the beginning of 2023.
From celebrities to athletes to children, those who trusted in the COVID-19 shots continue to drop dead in unprecedented numbers, while the corporate media and the U.S. Government continues to try and dispute that these deaths have anything to do with the "vaccines."
There is only one thing that is certain: if you refuse the vaccines, you cannot die from being injected by them.
Here is a short video collection of obituaries of those who have died suddenly within the past few weeks.
The truth about Damar Hamlin, the latest athlete to collapse suddenly from heart condition
Will 2023 be a “tsunami of regret”? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny predicts the worst is yet to come
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is someone whose work we have featured here at Health Impact News for the past 11 years. She is a doctor of Osteopathy, and has been a fierce vaccine critic for decades now.
Sherri is not one of these talking head medical doctors who have risen to fame since the experimental COVID bioweapon shots were introduced at the end of 2020, simply because they have taken a political stand against some the criminal aspects of the COVID shots.
Most of these new talking head doctors and other “experts” still promote all the other toxic and dangerous vaccines that the CDC recommends, and many of them also still recommend the COVID shots for certain age groups, while not recommending them for others.
Some of these new “experts,” have even publicly admitted they were fooled by the propaganda, and initially took a COVID shot before realizing how bad they were.
Dr. Jane Ruby’s recent interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny provides great information. Dr. Tenpenny is a true expert on this topic, having understood the dangers of vaccines long before the COVID-19 bioweapon shot appeared.
She is not new to this topic, and so I highly recommend watching this video as they summarize where we are today with the COVID-19 shots, and what is likely coming in the future as we head into 2023.
COVID is a technological & biological weapon - Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston and Dr. Ana Mihalcea join Maria Zeee for a deeper discussion into COVID being a technological and biological hybrid that serves to introduce mind control through the nanotech in the injections.