Rosa Koire on Radio Liberty talks about the goals of Agenda 21. In disguise of sustainable development our Western living standards will be lowered. Forget about the future free energy and having a flying car, if you ask the UN. United Nations is after your car and your toilet. This is eco fascism where you and your style of living is seen as a threat for the earth.
Posts for Tag: codex alimentarius
Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 for lower living standards
Codex Alimentarius revised general standards allow for higher levels of food irradiation
Although the questionable means by which the General Standards For Irradiated Food was ratified are enough cause for concern in and of themselves, the revision of Codex’s position presents an even bigger danger to the food supply than the original version. This revised policy seems to be part of an ongoing disregard by federal agencies who are charged with protecting the public. [Read more]