A CDC whistleblower has signed a sworn affidavit confirming the numbers are being tampered with, and as many as 45,000 Americans are confirmed DEAD as a result of the shots being called ‘vaccines’. They also know how many have been injured and how. They are rolling out more vaccines in spite of this. It is as I have said premeditated murder. It is Genocide.
Posts for Tag: citizens
Bombshell: 45,000 US citizen dead from COVID-19 jab, 3rd and 4th boosters on the way
MIT computer model predicts(-ed) dramatic drop in quality of life around 2020 and the 'end of civilization' around 2040 (2018)
Is humanity approaching a major turning point? A computer model that was originally developed in 1973 by a group of scientists at MIT is warning that things are about to dramatically change. If the computer predictions are accurate, our standard of living will start to decline dramatically around the year 2020, and we will witness the “end of civilization” around the year 2040. Of course this is not the first time ominous predictions such as this have been made about our future. For years, experts have been warning that we are heading for severe shortages of water, food and oil as our limited natural resources begin to run out. For years, experts have been warning that our economic model is not sustainable and that we are heading for a historic collapse. For years, experts have been warning about the alarming increase in seismic activity all over the planet and about the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Society is crumbling all around us, and the elements for a “perfect storm” are definitely coming together. [Full article]
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny goes full truth with explosive based fact spew on Stew Peters Show
Stew Peters was joined by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and the conversation was an absolute revelation of exactly what's happening with the so-called 'vaccines'.
www.StewPeters.tv | www.DrTenpenny.com
What happens without free speech?
How close are we to forced vaccinations for all? by Del Bigtree
The lecture will discuss the revelations of the CDC whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson, who has provided 10,000 documents that back up his claim that the CDC knowingly committed scientific fraud to hide the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. It will show how Del’s journey across America with the film has made him aware of a severe health crisis being caused by vaccines. Del Bigtree will explain the danger of vaccine mandates like the new law in California SB27.