Kevin Annett rejoins the program to discuss the mass child grave site uncovered in Canada. He discusses the fact that at least 28 more mass child grave sites exist and still need to be uncovered. Also, to make matters worse, there are an additional 6 sites still being used to dump bodies of trafficked children and Native Americans. These sites have been known by authorities for years. You can see more about this story at
Posts for Tag: child trafficking
Angelina Jolie admits attending illuminati sacrifice in leaked video
Detective publishes book exposing high-level government paedophile ring, shot in the head days later (2018)
A former police detective, and author of a bombshell book that exposed a massive pedophile ring made up of high-level government officials was found shot in the head last week. While officials are calling it an apparent suicide, his family is claiming that he told them he would never kill himself and that people were after him because he was about to expose even more high-level government pedophilia. [Full article]
Ted Gunderson interviews Monarch mind control victim, Brice Taylor
Escaped MK Ultra mind control slave, Brice Taylor, names names in this interview. She names the high profile people who victimized her and her daughter to create CIA Manchurian candidates. Bush senior is named as a pedophile.
This is an extreme topic, probably that is why many people can hardly believe that it is happening.
Podesta tied to criminal NXIVM cult through children’s foundation in DC
Finding the finders
DC pizzagate: suspected paedophile ring exposed
Warning: Reading this article will result in what is known as being “red-pilled”. Original publication dated 11/07/2016. [Full article]
Eaters of children, the pedocracy exposed
Satanic child sacrifice and cannibalism
Banksters, wet works & pedo networks - Mark Anthony Taylor
Researcher Mark Anthony Taylor returns to SGT Report to expose the shadowy organization which likely plays a direct role in wet works of Banksters – with ties to money laundering and pedo networks, these are some of the people you should be hearing about on the nightly news, but never ever do.