A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: child trafficking

Their guilty faces tell everything! What actually happened back then?

Eyes Wide Shut – A Stanley Kubrick Masterpiece. Watch how Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman know what happened to the legendary film director Stanley Kubrick and why did he die days after it`s release. Find out what are they hiding from the final version and why did they cut (24 minutes) of the picture. The Real Truth is right infront of us.

The devil's frequency: a concert in hell

The spiritual war is real and it manifested itself in the world we see on Friday night, November 5th in Houston Texas. This is a SGT special report about Travis Scott's Astroworld, the concert from hell.

Britain's missing babies: how thousands of children have disappeared from council care in the last two years – and one infant still can't be found (2014)

Almost 5000 children - including babies - have disappeared from council care in the past two years new figures have revealed stock picture

Almost 5,000 children  - including babies - have disappeared from council care in the past two years, new figures have revealed. Nineteen babies have vanished for months at a time, and one infant - just a few months old - has still not been found two years later. The figures have been unveiled under a freedom of information request. They show that 4,852 looked-after children were reported missing between January 2012 and December 2013, the Sunday Times reports. There were 24,320 cases logged - as many disappeared more than once. The large majority were teenagers but dozens of those who disappeared were between four and nine years old. The number includes a one-year-old girl missing since July 2013. [Full article]