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Posts for Tag: chemtrails
Extensive list of patents for weather modification
The Dimming is pleased to announce the release of their groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.
Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed? The Dimming documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. This is the most complete documentary regarding climate engineering operations. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock reveals what chemtrails are doing to your brain
Global 5G WiFi will be inescapable - what you need to know
Overpopulation: the making of a myth
What in the world are they spraying?
Building the beast system: FDA wants GPS on crops - spinach sends email - cow registration mandates
Their poisons = our menu from the elites
This is a short clip from the interview published on Jul 28, 2015 (now removed), listen to it and spread the word, this thing needs to go viral, everyone needs to know what they’re doing to us.
This is depopulation 101 – adding poison to vaccines and forcing every parent to have his kid vaccinated as a condition for attending school. These are their ‘slow kill’ methods and I must say they’re working. More and more children are being diagnosed with autism and cancer and we’re being fooled into believing it’s all caused by pollution, unhealthy diets, and the modern way of life.
Dr. Ted Broer was willing to go public with what he’s discovered on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report but they were having difficulties getting their show on air. For an hour they couldn’t resolve the issue, every time they did the line kept disconnecting and their servers were eventually brought down. They finally managed to get him on a secure line and the first thing Dr.Broer said was “I am not suicidal”. He kept pointing this out in case if someone tried to take him out and make it look like a suicide. He was scared that he won’t be able to tell his story and inform the general public but luckily for us he did.
They are doing things that should truly scare you