Matt Roeske is the incredibly insightful researcher and founder of Cultivate Elevate and he’s doing a remarkable job of bringing truth to the awakening masses worldwide regarding natural remedies, ElectroCulture, the electric universe, our hidden history, and much, much more. You’re going to love this one. Thanks for tuning in.
Posts for Tag: capitalism
Our Hidden History: They have Stolen Everything From Us - Nathan Reynolds
Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report to showcase our hidden human history, from Tartaria, to free energy from the aether to mud floods & more. The controllers of the world have stolen nearly everything from us as they transitioned us into their prison planet. But humanity is finally waking up. Support Nathan! Get free resources and/or buy his book here:
They are Not Like You And I, They are Like Monsters
Demons of the mRNA Vax - Anna Mihalcea
Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with new data and research about the mRNA bioweapon and it is jaw dropping. We are all being infected by this deadly Luciferian nanotech – and if we don’t take steps to detox our blood and bodies, the unvaxed will likely start dropping dead too.
N A N O T E R R O R: Vax, Smart Dust & Depopulation - Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with urgent information every American needs to hear. The nanotech is being put in everything and it’s now in everyone, both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Jewish Woman Becomes President of Mexico After +30 Candidates were Killed and Others Kidnapped
Israel is a Lunatic State - Norman Finkelstein
Proposed Law Would Create Antisemitism Monitors: Free Speech Under Attack at Universities
Sam Parker is here to talk about the protests against Israeli genocide in Gaza and how there are more than two ways to analyse the current events unfolding.
Dare Not Speak Above Your Breath About This - Dustin Nemos
Dustin Nemos joins SGT Report to discuss that which can’t be discussed without getting the bigot label whihc is laughable at this point in human history. Our nation is being directed straight into the gutter by the less than 2% of the population which has hijacked our government.