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Posts for Tag: cannabis

Young Girl Loses Half Her Brain After MMR Vaccine (2015)


Our daughter, Roz, was born a happy, healthy little girl on June 17, 2010. She developed just like all children her age and hit her milestones on or before the target age. My husband and I decided to do vaccines one at a time on a delayed schedule after our first family doctor gave her PediaX vaccine with a combination of vaccines. At the age of one, we began with her DTap vaccinations and spread them out over a period of time. Then at her two-year checkup, we decided to begin her MMR vaccinations. [Read more]

Lawsuit proves HHS hasn't filed required vaccine safety reports with Congress in 30 years (2018)

After an uptick in lawsuits in the 1980s, the vaccine manufacturers essentially held the government hostage and threatened to stop making vaccines unless the government took on responsibility for vaccine injury lawsuits. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was then enacted which made the taxpayers liable for injuries caused by vaccines and not the manufacturers.

This removal of liability has created the incentive to turn out new vaccines with very little testing, as the companies don't have to worry about financial hardships for injuring people, which in turn has shaped the situation that we find ourselves in today. [Full article]

Pertussis vaccine failure: children receiving vaccine have 15x more risk of contracting whooping cough than unvaccinated children (2019)

This is the latest peer reviewed science – not “vaccine misinformation.”

These studies show that the Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine has now failed. Worse, children receiving the vaccine have 15x the risk of contracting Pertussis than unvaccinated children.

This is why California schools are now suffering a Pertussis outbreak (3,455 cases in 2018 compared to 14 Measles cases) affecting only vaccinated children.

Moreover, vaccinated children are often asymptotic carriers spreading the disease among their classmates. [Full article]

Spanish study confirms cannabis oil cures cancer without side effects

The medical science is strongly in favor of THC laden hemp oil as a primary cancer therapy, not just in a supportive role to control the side effects of chemotherapy. The International Medical Verities Association is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol. It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five items are magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and sodium bicarbonate. It makes perfect sense to drop hemp oil right into the middle of this nutritional crossfire of anti cancer medicines, which are all available without prescription. [Full article]

This doctor says our bodies are hard-wired for cannabis

How does cannabis work therapeutically? As more states vote to legalise medical cannabis, we wanted to learn more about the potential therapeutic effects of cannabis, and its most active constituents, cannabinoids.

When speaking with Dr. Dustin Sulak of Healer.com one thing becomes quickly evident: cannabis has a profound influence on the human body. Below, Dr. Sulak explains how human bodies are hard-wired for the chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant. [Full article]

Study finds cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain

Cannabis Reverses Aging Process in the Brain

The movement to free up the weed is growing, thanks in large part to an ever-growing body of scientific research disproving the U.S. government’s assertion that cannabis has no medical value. Research has proven that medical cannabis has a positive effect in the prevention and treatment of cancer, as well as having a clear benefit for seizure patients. The benefits of cannabis on the human brain are still being outlined by medical research, and in a recent study, scientists at the University of Bonn concluded that it can help reverse the aging process in the brain. [Full article]