A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: buy or sell

Global leaders push for digital vax certificates

At the recent G20 Summit in Indonesia, world leaders convened to address issues relating to global finance, health, relations, and a declaration which could threaten freedom and liberty in nations around the world.

What vaxx nightmare is coming next? - Dr. Carrie Madej

Dr. Carrie Madej about transhumanism, gene editing, vax passport under your skin and what is coming next. More lockdowns? New vaccines? Nano technology activated in those who are vaccinated? Whats the technology in these bio-weapons? Who is behind it and what is the agenda?

Johns Hopkins University reveals manipulated Covid death figures

According to new data, the U.S. currently ranks first in total COVID-19 cases, new cases per day and deaths. Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master's degree program at Hopkins, critically analyzed the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in her webinar titled "COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data." [Full article]