mRNA bird flu shots are on the shelf ready for rollout, all the medical tyrants need is mass PCR testing to prop up their emergency authorization of these gene therapy vaccines.
Posts for Tag: blackmail
Child #Pizzagate Survivor Anneke Lucas Names Satanic Pedophile David Rockefeller
The fact that the movie The Sound of Freedom didn’t get significant support from Hollywood and media speaks volumes.
P. Diddy Arrested: The Epstein of the Music Industry Sex Trafficking
This sick evil bastard was already out of the loop.
Pakistan’s Hidden Shame: The Forgotten Street Children Who Got Raped by Men
A look into the sexual abuse suffered by the children living in Pakistan.
The majority of the victims are children coming from poverty or drug stricken families who have no place to sleep, or no money to eat. Many are intentionally hooked on heroin so they will continue returning to the men to get high in exchange for sex.
The majority of their predators are truck drivers or bus conductors. The film explains how a whopping 95% of men in this line of work have engaged in this sickening practice in one way or another. The film also reveals how one study found that 1 in 10 of these child victims is murdered to avoid incriminating the men involved.
Leaked Dossier Shows Criminal German Government Conspired to Silence Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Accuser connected to German Intelligence and pedophile cover-up.
Gherkin Jerks
New Lawsuit Reveals Epstein Style Zionist Blackmail and Trafficking Ring
The Good Shepherd - John Paul Rice
Former film producer, activist and survivor of childhood abuse John Paul Rice returns to SGT Report with a dire warning about cultural Marxism, wolves in sheep’s clothing and the fall of the Republic which very much mirrors the fall of Rome. Thanks for sharing this one far and wide.
The Truth About Google, Eric Schmidt and China
"When those in power force you to obtain truth from a cat, you will know your country has fallen. - George Orwell probably" - Lauren the Wolf.
Justin Trudeau Exposed, Pickton Pig Farm CA & a Ton of Other Mind Blowing Info - Norman Traversy
Justin is secretly a FTM deceiver, that or has both genders like the satanic androgynous Baphomet. That's why she is pushing the trans agenda... I find it interesting that Justin's B day is Dec 25th... a false holiday.