Posts for Tag: big data
Murder of the middle class
"The circles are where walkable cities and settlements will be by 2050 according to UN Agenda 21/30/50…watch the original “Hunger Games” again and pay attention to the settlements and rail lines as in the second picture. If you’ll note the rail hubs in Cali, you’ll see that’s where the massive fire was. The purpose of the fire was to clear the area for construction of the California portion of the rail system. I know where all the people will go do you? Where do you suppose the 325.7 million people will go? Please, re-blog and tell me what you think." - truthercatsky
Vaxxed people being told: get papers, will and estate in order, now [COMPILATION]
Advice for those coerced by employers to get stabbed
Dark winter is coming: you have six months to figure out your life before the culling gets real
Highly inflammable lipids carrying mRNA found accumulating in ovaries, brain and other organs
Facebook insider Morgan Kahmann goes on record after suspension
The World Economic Forum’s latest simulation ‘fits’ with their Great Reset agenda
Sky News host Cory Bernardi says the World Economic Forum’s latest simulation on a cyber attack that will shutdown the world economy “fits with their Great Reset Agenda”.
“Imagine how quickly society would disintegrate if electricity, water, fuel and other essentials were shut down due to a cyber attack,” Mr Bernardi said.
“We’d have a new collective enemy to unite against while of course demanding that government save us all.” Mr Bernardi said the WEF appeared to identify the problems they find as needing a “global centralisation of power”.
“It seems that every problem identified by this mob and their allies in the international bureaucracy requires the global centralisation of power and decision making. “And this latest simulation neatly fits with their Great Reset agenda.”
The new world order, the satanic underground and Adam Weishaupt’s 25 point plan
It is real, and goes very deep... Unfortunately this video does not explain the other reason of kidnapped boys.