Posts for Tag: big brother
Debunking every climate argument with geologist Tony Heller
They want to microchip protect them 🙄
In this video, Gonz talks about how his recent criticism of QAnon was justified in the story this week about Netanyahu wanting to microchip kids to ensure social distancing in Israel. Along with the UN 2030 agenda about fixing the world for “sustainability,” it seems the play here is to really get the “woke” crowd on-board the system that will help fix or eradicate the old corrupt system. And to show how detached the elite are in this thinking, whether they are on the satanic side, or the luciferian side, I point out how Netanyahu suggested that microchipping children will not be an invasion of privacy. Really? Microchipping children isn’t enough of an invasion of privacy? Jesus said the path is narrow. He meant it!Â
Bill Gates’ plan to vaccinate the world
In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.
Police officers beginning to speak out now
I was too easy on Bill – who was Bill Gates after Microsoft?
Are we mice or men?
Kissinger and Gates call for mass vaccination and global governance
We are in the middle of the worst global health pandemic of our lives according to the Media, the Government and the United Nations. We are witnessing an unprecedented global lock down in response to the Coronavirus outbreak known as COVID19. The global population living in western countries have been taught for more than a generation to live in a constant state of fear ever since 9/11. We have been encouraged to sacrifice our liberty for a false sense of security, being conditioned more and more each day to rely on the state for protection and now many of us find ourselves relying on the state to pay our bills. Despite the government’s budget and deficit continuing to grow exponentially everyday… Some are beginning to see that there may be more to the official story than what we are led to believe. The very few may have seen this coming and are waiting for the next phase of what very well could be another step closer to global governance. The very men and women, the exact same individuals and government agencies, in addition to global institutions who stand to benefit the most, are the ones calling the shots... Welcome to COVID-1984 and the official roll out of the New World Order...
Who was Bill Gates before Microsoft?