A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: bank of england

The New World Order a Second Look at the United Nations - G. Edward Griffin (2012)

Conspiracy Culture presents 'the New World Order a Second Look at the United Nations' with special guest G. Edward Griffin (author of Creature from Jekyll Island, World Without Cancer, The Capitalist Conspiracy, and producer of What in the World are They Spraying?') introduced by Patrick and Richard Syrett of 'The Conspiracy Show' at the Trinty-St. Paul's Centre for Faith, Justice, and the Arts, on Bloor Street in Toronto, Canada. Featuring the full speech and audience question & answer, PLUS a bonus interview with G. Edward Griffin hosted by Vijay Sarma following the event, including a question of the Federal Reserve "99 year lease" conspiracy, Mr. Griffin's thoughts on what are the most populist topics, & more...

CBDC Hits High Gear - the Mask Comes Off

Christine Lagarde of European Central Bank, Elizabeth Warren, and others on why they must have CBDC to control you and how they're accelerating the roll out.

C O N T A G I O N: red alert emergency broadcast

It has begun. A global banking contagion designed to bring us all to our knees so that we accept the new central bank digital currency which would mark the end of human freedom around the world. David Jensen joins SGT Report to uncover the truth about this diabolically evil plot, and the solution that's staring us in the face.

Bank of England: CBDC certain, but deceives on timeframe

Tony Arterburn, WiseWolf.gold, sanctions are an act of war - do you know how many countries we have sanctions against? And that's not counting the people of USA & EU who are paying the real price of Russian sanctions. Update on state of CBDC in UK and Nigeria.