Posts for Tag: babylon
Exposing Catholicism’s lies: praying to the saints - what the Bible says about it
Jesuit’s Origin in Babylon; are Satanic Knights Templar for One World Government
In part 1 of a 2 part interview, ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret MA, PhD ABD, revealed that the Jesuits in fact originated in Babylon as a diabolical secret society centered around secrecy, power, Satanic sacrifice, and pedophilia that rebranded itself as the Knights Templar at the time of the Crusades and in 1516 resurfaced as the “Society of Jesus”, funded by Francis Borgia 4th Duke of Gandia Spain (1510-1572) [great grandson of Pope Alexander VI – a Borgia Pope.]
Awareness in Spiritual Warfare - Russ Dizdar
We got helio-sin-tricked into this
Belly Of The Beast - Justen & Wes Faull
Jesus Spoke about this age of deceit
Allatra doing the devil’s bidding
What is the difference between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism?