A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: autism

Danger in the skies

FAA lowers bar on heart health for pilots? Medical tyrants caught on camera. Pfizer caught shifting goalposts, again. New Legislation targets CDC, WHO overreach. Cochrane review shows masks didn’t work, but this vitamin does. How did Del get so fit?

It ain't Just COVID Vax - Del Bigtree

When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine, world-renowned doctors and scientists are jumping ship. Many of those same experts, however, are pivoting sharply, insisting the same scepticism should not be applied to ‘safe and effective’ childhood vaccines. The HighWire host, Del Bigtree, whose 7-year investigation into Vaccine Safety and Policy in America inspired the launch of ICAN (icandecide.org) and The HighWire, explains why ‘it ain’t Just the Covid Vax’ that you should be worried about.

The great culling: our water

The film investigates the theory that the addition of fluoride to our drinking water is not as beneficial to dental health as originally thought, and may in fact be one of the causes of a cornucopia of neurological diseases that have arisen over the last several decades in America.

First-ever peer-reviewed study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children shows vaccinated kids have a higher rate of sickness, 470% increase in autism (2017)

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The first-ever, peer-review study has been published comparing total-health in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and acute or chronic illnesses in home-schooled children. The vaccinated children had a much higher rate of autism and ADHD, at a rate of 470% higher than those who received no shots. Vaccinated children were also more vulnerable to allergies and eczema. Unvaccinated children contract mild childhood diseases more frequently, but their vaccinated counterparts suffer pneumonia and ear infections more frequently. The finding that vaccination introduces a significant risk for autism is devastating to the vaccine industry and, therefore, will be vigorously attacked. [Full article]