David Weiss and his friend Suzanne join SGT Report to ring in the new year with little bit of woo and a whole lotta truth.
Posts for Tag: astrazeneca
Pfizer joins FDA in court to slow the release of vax safety data
Friendly Reminder: Traitors are Hanged
Russ Brown: CV-19, Rothschild, graphene black goo, DTCC & the Pope
Dr. David Martin confirming mass genocide with CV-19 vaxx
What virus? Where is the proof?
Here is a collection of Freedom of Information responses and court documents from over 120 institutions (including Public Health Agency of Canada, US CDC, NIAID, UK Depart of Health and Social Care, Indian Council of Medical Research) in >20 countries: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/
Every challenged institution has failed to provided or cite even 1 record describing isolation/purification of the alleged "COVID-19 virus" from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, or proof of "its" existence.
Bluetooth codes from vaxxed people?
The deadly combination: the 666 vaxx & 5G
Pulmonary hemorrhage killing newborn vaxx babies
An alarming number of babies are dying just days after birth, and they’re all dying for the same reason: pulmonary hemorrhage. The common denominator in all of the deaths is that the babies’ mothers are vaxxed!
This will outrage you: nurse explains the vaxx clot shot
Vaccine companies guilty of silencing doctors and paying UK politicians
This evidence just shows how corrupt these vaccine companies are. It goes all the way to Parliament and MSM. Take a look at this evidence. Court evidence now available on-line at the University of California library shows drug giant Merck systematically targeted hit-lists of doctors to discredit, neutralise or destroy critics of the safety and effectiveness of Mercks drugs.
This is from late 2009 but oh so relevant to date!