A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: apocalypse

Nano Neuroweapons Apocalypse - Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet

5G, smart dust, nano-neuroweapons and nano-neuroparticulate agents are no longer the realm of science fiction. The technology exists and it has been unleashed on the battlefield which is in your state, city and neighbourhood... Because you are the enemy. Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back with the facts.

ClimateGate 3.0: A Decade Later, A Pattern of Deception

You don't have to be a Nobel prize winner to understand God's design and how clouds provide shade, reflect the sun, and regulate temperature but a Nobel laureate explains it anyway.  And what have we learned about "scientism" a decade after ClimateGate 3.0 and 3 years after CovidGate?  The person who leaked ClimateGate emails tells why he/she did it.

Climate lies: UN seeks to “reorient entire world to solve non-existent problem,” top physicist Howard Hayden warns

The contradictions and false predictions made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) should be glaringly obvious to anyone, explained Professor Emeritus of Physics at University of Connecticut Howard "Cork" Hayden in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman at the Heartland Institute's climate summit in Orlando. Dr. Hayden, who edits The Energy Advocate, said he did not know why scientists refused to speak out, but suggested many could be afraid of contradicting those in other disciplines where they are not specialists. Meanwhile, the UN is working to re-orient the entire world to solve a problem that does not exist, Hayden said, adding that the physics out of the UN IPCC were "self-contradictory."

The Coming Ice Age - end of the world predicted since the 1970's

The media has been pushing the narrative for over 50 years now that our US cities will be destroyed in a few decades and the end of the world as we know it is imminent danger as a result of man made climate change, global warming, ice age etc. None of these predictions have come true.