A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: all roads lead to Rome

Mystery Babylon the Documentary - What They do Not Want You to Know

"Come out of her" It's not a casual suggestion. It's a command, not just to Christians, but to all the people of the earth. Come out of it or perish in it. It is a choice everyone must make, and it is a choice that will determine your eternal destiny... or perhaps indicate what you have chosen.

Theistic evolution vs. the sabbath by Bill Pinto

Theistic evolution is not only the official position of the Catholic Church, but it is also taught at the majority of Protestant seminaries. For some, this is outright bewildering. How did an evolutionary theory become so widely accepted throughout Christianity? In reality, the cause is not so hard to find. 

As the famed theologian Rudolf Bultmann put it, modern science “has destroyed the old creation stories”. Astronomical ideas such as the Big Bang theory have served to counter the literal interpretation of Scripture more than any other factor. Yet these theories — which society at large regards as fact — are utterly incompatible with the Genesis portrayal of a literal six-day creation, taking place approximately 6000 years ago. So what is the globe-believing Sabbath-keeper to make of this blatant contradiction? 

He who has ever been a steadfast defender of a literal 6-day creation, is now confounded by the findings of modern science concerning the age and origin of this Earth, and must either conclude that such science is false, or submit to the oxymoronic notion of theistic evolution. The latter is surely a far cry from the Sabbath-keeper’s mind. Yet can he honestly accept only part of the science he otherwise admires, and similarly, accept only a part of the Bible? Can he honestly dismiss the fact that the sun, moon, and stars were created on day 4, and were placed inside the firmament which God created to divide the waters above from the waters below? For the True Christian, the claims of science need not be met half-way. For in the first chapter of the Bible, the entire heliocentric model collapses.

Jim Arrabito on Jesuit Order history

James Arrabito, artist, lecturer and evangelist, researched the history of Catholicism and the Jesuits in his search for understanding of the biblical prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. In this lecture, filmed in 1985 in Angwin, CA, he shares from their own writings the origin and purpose of the Jesuit Order. Jim, along with two of his sons, lost his life in a plane crash in 1990.

Although the story that the Jesuits killed Jim went around the world, there is no evidence for that. He’d been in Kotzebue, AK for about ten days filming interviews for a documentary tracing the Bible Sabbath through history - an Inupiat story from the mid-1800’s. Flying back to Anchorage with a native pilot, who unfortunately was not very experienced, a bad storm blew up. It was late at night, (11:30​-11:45​), the pilot radioed into Anchorage for radar coverage but they were too far out; he then asked for IFR clearance, but hit the mountain shortly after.

From Pat Arrabito: 

There were people who speculated that because Jim had researched and talked about the Jesuits, they’d done him in. They had no evidence. But that’s an exciting story and it went viral; I meet it everywhere. I’d never want to give credit where it’s not due, and I’d never want to give credit without proper documentation, and I’d never want to make it appear that God cannot protect His own from the Jesuits. I do see the Bible as literal:), at least the parts that are not obviously symbolic, and I understand God to be a real being who loves us and is involved in our lives. Jim was passionate about God, and researched and lectured purely out of love for Him and a desire that truth should be made known and people given the opportunity to make educated choices in the midst of great deception and a concerted effort to doom mankind. 

From Great Controversy: 

Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. They became servants to act as spies upon their masters....The Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe...[Their] reason and conscience wholly silenced, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power...Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy. Great Controversy pg 234-235.