Virtually all of the reformers and protestants in the past 1500 years considered the bishop of Rome (the Pope) to be Antichrist according to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in both 2 Thessalonians 2 and John’s Revelation.
Posts for Tag: all roads lead to Rome
Rome's Servants of Antichrist
On this programme we comment on the Presbyterian Moderator (of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland), Dr Sam Mawhinney, joining with the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, along with other church leaders from various groups. Can and should church leaders join with Roman Catholic leaders?
Mystery Babylon the Documentary - What They do Not Want You to Know
"Come out of her" It's not a casual suggestion. It's a command, not just to Christians, but to all the people of the earth. Come out of it or perish in it. It is a choice everyone must make, and it is a choice that will determine your eternal destiny... or perhaps indicate what you have chosen.
History of all Satanic founders in 20 minutes - Dr. Gene Kim
Know your enemy: the Jesuits
When researching the new world order all roads always lead to Rome and to the Jesuit order.
Mary worship revealed - what does the Bible say about Mary?
All of the religions are coming together now (2019)
Pope Francis is setting up the Revelation 13 one world religion
Why Roman Catholicism is not Christianity
Theistic evolution vs. the sabbath by Bill Pinto
As the famed theologian Rudolf Bultmann put it, modern science “has destroyed the old creation stories”.
Astronomical ideas such as the Big Bang theory have served to counter the literal interpretation of Scripture more than any other factor.
Yet these theories — which society at large regards as fact — are utterly incompatible with the Genesis portrayal of a literal six-day creation, taking place approximately 6000 years ago.
So what is the globe-believing Sabbath-keeper to make of this blatant contradiction?
He who has ever been a steadfast defender of a literal 6-day creation, is now confounded by the findings of modern science concerning the age and origin of this Earth, and must either conclude that such science is false, or submit to the oxymoronic notion of theistic evolution.
The latter is surely a far cry from the Sabbath-keeper’s mind.
Yet can he honestly accept only part of the science he otherwise admires, and similarly, accept only a part of the Bible?
Can he honestly dismiss the fact that the sun, moon, and stars were created on day 4, and were placed inside the firmament which God created to divide the waters above from the waters below?
For the True Christian, the claims of science need not be met half-way.
For in the first chapter of the Bible, the entire heliocentric model collapses.