A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: actors

Revelation of the method: for those with eyes to see - Owen Benjamin

Owen Benjamin returns to SGT Report for a conversation about good versus evil, the revelation of the method, the war against humanity, and his new documentary 'Building Beartaria'.

The revelation of the method is the way the elite program us to accept their control. By telling us what they will do before they do it, they create fear and paranoia. They also believe that because we have been told, we are accepting their chains that bind us.

Scientology: uncover the truth

Church of Scientology claims their critics are criminals, yet they are the ones who commit crimes to silence them.

This video is dedicated to Stu Wyatt, who stood up to the church of Scientology, and is currently the target of their unethical and appalling machinations to destroy him.

The only difference between now and then is that we are now in an information age, where freedom of expression and truth spreads with ease, with speed, and with a ferocity that L. Ron Hubbard (LRH) nor David Miscavige could ever have envisioned.

Scientology is part of globalists tree.

Antichrist spirit – apocalypse – American Horror Story 8 explained

“Originally, I stopped at season 1 of American Horror Story, but the show took a decidedly Antichrist and occult bent more recently, illustrating the summation of all the seasons into a single hidden narrative about the birth and coming of the Antichrist. Since this relates to films and shows we’ve done before, as well as to chapters in my books, I have decided to cover the first episode of the new season.”