A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: Vatican

Why Conservatives Avoid the Truth About Jeffrey Epstein - Ian Carroll

They know we know. They know that we know that they know. And they don't care. It's the ugliest form of disrespect for the American citizen that government and media pundits can commit.

Ian Carroll Directly calls out @benshapiro @charliekirk11 @jordanbpeterson @megynkelly @lexfridman @GadSaad @LauraLoomer

So, will they respond?

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness - Fiona Barnett

A sin of utter contempt is to lie about your neighbour, to bear false witness knowing that you are lying. It is a very terrible sin. The trouble is, when a liar lies, very often only the liar and the accused know the truth. Fiona Barnett endured satanic ritual abuse as a child at the hands of famous and powerful people. Barnett has dedicated her life telling the truth and exposing these demons in human form. This is her story.