Posts for Tag: UN
Gnosticism refuted and St. Irenaeus against heresies
They are climate changing us into oblivion (2022)
New preparedness PSA for “the big one”: is this a bad joke?
Why in the world are they spraying?
Moon Men: the Impossible Journey - Bart Sibrel
Cancer link confirmed in largest ever cell tower radiation study
As the rollout of the nationwide 5G cell network moves forward, many concerned scientists and public health experts are raising the alarm about the potential harms of bathing the environment in high frequency electromagnetic energy. This new technology would add another layer of electromagnetic radiation to an already dangerously inundated environment. [Full article]
Socialism in a nutshell: why socialism fails every time
This doctor says our bodies are hard-wired for cannabis
How does cannabis work therapeutically? As more states vote to legalise medical cannabis, we wanted to learn more about the potential therapeutic effects of cannabis, and its most active constituents, cannabinoids.
When speaking with Dr. Dustin Sulak of one thing becomes quickly evident: cannabis has a profound influence on the human body. Below, Dr. Sulak explains how human bodies are hard-wired for the chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant. [Full article]