A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: Trump

Why the Lies? - David Weiss

David Weiss returns to SGT Report to help us digest the endless lies of the shadow government, from the Trump attempted assassination to the nature of this thing we live on, we live is a sea of lies.

The Truth About Putin: What Fake Media Hides From US

With Russian leader Vladimir Putin dominating the news cycle this week due to his interview with Tucker Carlson, it is important to have some context about who Putin is, what he thinks, and how his actions have furthered the globalist agenda, explains The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Of course, Tucker was right to interview him. And he was right to ask some tough questions. But part of the conservative movement has embraced Putin for a variety of reasons. In this episode, Alex gives some background of his work with the KGB, his Eurasian Union project, his relationship with globalist schemer Henry Kissinger, and more. Newman also goes back to the revelations of Anatoly Golitsyn, a KGB defector who warned that the Soviets were planning a staged "collapse of communism" after which the communists would be rebranded and remain in charge. Finally, Newman gets into how war and the threat of war is seen by globalists as a key catalyst for advancing the New World Order.

Hospital Death Incentives: Ventilators in US, Midazolam in UK

In the USA, Trump, Fauci, Navarro used ventilators (and cash bonuses) to kill patients with respiratory illness. In the UK, they did it with a drug called Midazolam - CONTRAINDICATED for respiratory illness, but Matt Hancock, a bureaucrat like Peter Navarro, ramped it up.

"Freedom cities": Trump embraces Agenda21's smart cities

Like other politicians around the globe, Trump wants to design cities that will "solve" all our problems. Cities are not about freedom. He says we can fit people into 0.5% of the land. Yet Trump sycophants who always warned about UN Agenda21, UN 2030 Agenda, Great Reset, "15 Minute Cities", Smart Cities, etc — cheer Trump as fighting the NWO.