It is real, and goes very deep... Unfortunately this video does not explain the other reason of kidnapped boys.
Posts for Tag: Satanism
The new world order, the satanic underground and Adam Weishaupt’s 25 point plan
Ted Gunderson interviews Monarch mind control victim, Brice Taylor
Escaped MK Ultra mind control slave, Brice Taylor, names names in this interview. She names the high profile people who victimized her and her daughter to create CIA Manchurian candidates. Bush senior is named as a pedophile.
This is an extreme topic, probably that is why many people can hardly believe that it is happening.
Podesta tied to criminal NXIVM cult through children’s foundation in DC
Finding the finders
Corporate America is mainstreaming Lucifer
DC pizzagate: suspected paedophile ring exposed
Warning: Reading this article will result in what is known as being “red-pilled”. Original publication dated 11/07/2016. [Full article]
Eaters of children, the pedocracy exposed
Anti-Christ set to appear in Third Temple?
Evidence the ‘Third Temple’ is being prepared and the implications of these talks in Jerusalem.