A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: NWO

German Government Admits There was No Pandemic - it was a Lie to Begin the Death Jab

Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the COVID pandemic.

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.

These secret German government documents obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite’s COVID lies and the it’s vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

The Canadian Government's War on Supplements

Constitutional Attorney & President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association, Shawn Buckley, LLB, warns Del of the Canadian government's war on vitamins and supplements via the introduction of extreme regulations designed to restrict access and raise the cost of natural products.

Shutdown of America has Begun

As we look effects of the bridge disaster we can see disruptions across many industries, but the disruptions are what was planned for our world according to the Davos crowd. Stoppage of coal and automobile exports, limiting import of nitrogen fertilizer, changing the worlds bunker fuel laws to low-sulfur standard and a host of other economic blow backs.

The Best is Yet to Come - Mark Attwood

Mark Attwood is an author, lecturer, poet and host of the Mark Attwood show, he's also a kindred spirit who understands that the global elite is comprised of compromised child trafficking, blood drinking satanists whose favorite trade is human flesh. But Mark also realises that the great awakening is very real. There has been a shift in human consciousness and that terrifies the controllers right down to their reptilian DNA. Stay in touch with Mark here: https://themarkattwoodshow.com/

Palestine (PLO) - The Other Side of the Story

It is always the blind and ignorant people, the innocent and manipulated by lies who are used as cannon fodder. 

Zionism based on futurism was invented in Rome by Jesuits Francisco Ribera and Manuel Lacunza. This false “alternative” biblical view was later sold by Edward Irving. Almost all “protestant” churches now teach this Jesuit view, forsaking Reformation theology. They needed an “alternative” to get peoples eyes off the Roman Papacy that the Protestants identified as the 1st Beast of Rev. 13. Rome’s “mark” is Sun-day worship, even they admit it.

It’s the Jesuits controlling both sides The Knights of Malta & Equestrian Order, Constantinian Order & Opus Dei (Zionists/PLO & Hamas are both funded by the Knights of Malta). The black Pope the warmonger, the white Pope the peacemaker.

The Jesuits control all the surrounding nations through The Knights of Malta funding both sides. This is the way Roman New World Order is working.

This is exactly what Jesuit Albert Pike has created for the Vatican. Setting up Islam against Zionism/Judaism and the Jesuit controlled Zionist movement as well as the Jesuit Controlled Islam TOP (Arab higher committee and Muslim Brotherhood) help to accomplish it!