Dr. William Luther Pierce III was a hardcore conservative, American Patriot. For more than 30 years, he was one of the highest-profile individuals of the Nationalist Patriot movement and against the Jewish globalist communist satanic cabal. A physicist by profession, and a book author. Pierce founded the National Alliance/National Vanguard (the original Make America Great Again & America First), an organization which he led for almost 30 years.
Posts for Tag: NWO
The Jewish globalist communist satanic cabal - Dr. William Luther Pierce III
Apollo, Artemis & the NASA gods of lies - Austin Witsit
It Is Finished presents: the coming alien deception (part 1)
It Is Finished presents: the coming alien deception (part 2)
It's like people have been converted into zombies, 625,000% increase in myocarditis since vaxx roll-out - Dr. Peter McCullough
Club of Rome: limits to growth (1973)
The original environmental, man-made climate change fear mongers.
Exposing U.N. geoengineering chemtrail depopulation plan resurfaces
"Freedom Cities": Trump Embraces Agenda21's Smart Cities
Like other politicians around the globe, Trump wants to design cities that will "solve" all our problems. Cities are not about freedom. He says we can fit people into 0.5% of the land. Yet Trump sycophants who always warned about UN Agenda21, UN 2030 Agenda, Great Reset, "15 Minute Cities", Smart Cities, etc — cheer Trump as fighting the NWO.
Climate lies: UN seeks to “reorient entire world to solve non-existent problem,” top physicist Howard Hayden warns
The contradictions and false predictions made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) should be glaringly obvious to anyone, explained Professor Emeritus of Physics at University of Connecticut Howard "Cork" Hayden in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman at the Heartland Institute's climate summit in Orlando. Dr. Hayden, who edits The Energy Advocate, said he did not know why scientists refused to speak out, but suggested many could be afraid of contradicting those in other disciplines where they are not specialists. Meanwhile, the UN is working to re-orient the entire world to solve a problem that does not exist, Hayden said, adding that the physics out of the UN IPCC were "self-contradictory."