In this video, Marcus Allen, Scott Henderson & Robert Williams discuss some of the differences between the Saturn V engines, the Starship Raptor engines, and the difference in the fuels used.
We also take a look at some of the different space suits used now and in the past.
Posts for Tag: NWO
The Apollo discussions: Starship vs. Saturn V - the breakdown
New modified RNA (modRNA) cancer jab will also destroy your immune system & how is modRNA created?
The horrifying truth is in the patents - Lisa McGee & Diane Kazar
What researchers Lisa McGee & Dr. Diane Kazer have discovered in the patents regarding the J&J Covid “vaccine” (which like Pfizer’s Covid-vax product is a bioweapon) is ghastly and truly horrifying. The war against humanity is a depopulation plan involving hundreds of corporations globally, scientists, doctors and traitors at the highest levels of government.
WEF orders governments to arrest citizen who view or share alternative news, Canada complies
Meet King Charles the great resetter
While most of the the public's attention is falling on the obvious issues—the monarchy's increasing irrelevance to the 21st century, the colossal waste of taxpayer resources that go towards the upkeep of the world's richest family and their multiple palaces, the dark history of slavery and other colonial abuses for which royals of the far-distant past are responsible—few are aware of just how dark the history of the royal family is, or just how twisted Charles' vision for the future of the United Kingdom - and, indeed the world- really is.
This could end western society as we know it
What the media won't tell you about King Charles III: Coronation Edition
The end game, synthetic biology exposed - Celeste Solum
In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum joins us. Celeste exposes the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God's natural creation with synthetic biology.