A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: NWO

We have Their Nanotech Genocidal Beast Plan - Hope & Tivon

This is one of the most important broadcasts of the year. Researchers Hope & Tivon have uncovered that documents which expose the entire New World Order nanotech genocidal beast system plan. Here are the facts, spread them far and wide.

ClimateGate 3.0: A Decade Later, A Pattern of Deception

You don't have to be a Nobel prize winner to understand God's design and how clouds provide shade, reflect the sun, and regulate temperature but a Nobel laureate explains it anyway.  And what have we learned about "scientism" a decade after ClimateGate 3.0 and 3 years after CovidGate?  The person who leaked ClimateGate emails tells why he/she did it.

Tax Tyranny - Alphonse Faggiolo

Alphonse Faggiolo is a force to be reckoned with because he understands his Constitutional rights and the LAW. The federal income tax and property taxes are two of many unconstitutional forms of tyranny through taxation which Alphonse actively fights to extinguish in his own life, here’s how he does it.