A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: NWO

How to Shut Up Flat Earthers Forever - Eric Dubay

Whether you believe the Earth to be flat, globular, hollow, concave or otherwise, the freedom to independently travel and explore the Earth, from the North Pole to whatever exists South of the South Pole, to any and everywhere else, should be a fundamental and unalienable right. Military vessels near the North Pole and Antarctica have repeatedly barred independent teams of explorers from traveling into these heavily patrolled and restricted waters. The Antarctic Treaty prevents all independent travel South of the 60th degree South latitude, where rebels like Yarle Andehoy and his team have been repeatedly turned around at gunpoint, jailed and fined for daring to attempt. What is so important in Antarctica that 53 of the most powerful countries in the world have agreed to patrol and enforce harsh restrictions and penalties on anyone who attempts to independently explore it? Why has the entire continent of Antarctica and everywhere else on Earth below the 60th South parallel been caged off from us? The only way we can experience Antarctica is by being a government employee and working at one of their bases, or doing one of their overpriced penguin tours along the Antarctic coast. No one, even these very few humans, is granted the freedom to explore the continent, so even they are clueless as to what may exist at the furthest Southern extents of the Earth.

The world's governments, militaries, media, schools and literally everyone else except flat earthers claim with conviction and whole-heartedly believe that the South Pole is the Southernmost extent of their globe. And by definition this must be the case because to continue traveling Southwards beyond this Southernmost point is tantamount to traveling Northwards. If the Earth is not a globe, however, and is actually an extended level plane as claimed by flat earthers, continuing to travel South of the South Pole would not and could not bring the traveller back North; on a flat earth, the traveller would instead continue Southwards into unknown Southern territories that don't exist on a globe. If NASA, the world's governments, militaries, media, academia and/or anyone else involved in maintaining the legitimacy of the globe concept truly wanted to shut up flat earthers once and for all, this is how easy it would be. Allow for independent travel South of the South Pole, or livestream a full South to North circumnavigation of the supposed globe starting in Antarctica and traveling South. Show the world's flat earthers that traveling South of the South Pole will somehow bring you North.

The Darker Side of India's Moon Mission

It's easy to get caught up in all the laughter associated with the horribly faked moon missions happening all the time, but I wanted to shed some light on what I feel is the dark motivation for these animated missions.

Young Girl Loses Half Her Brain After MMR Vaccine (2015)


Our daughter, Roz, was born a happy, healthy little girl on June 17, 2010. She developed just like all children her age and hit her milestones on or before the target age. My husband and I decided to do vaccines one at a time on a delayed schedule after our first family doctor gave her PediaX vaccine with a combination of vaccines. At the age of one, we began with her DTap vaccinations and spread them out over a period of time. Then at her two-year checkup, we decided to begin her MMR vaccinations. [Read more]

Stop the W.H.O. 666 Global Agenda - James Roguski

Researcher and activist James Roguski returns to SGT Report with an urgent warning about the 4-Tiered agenda of the World Health Organization to enslave humanity under the guise of "health" and climate change.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT - MULTIPLE DEADLINES ARE RAPIDLY APPROACHING: September 20, 2023 - The United Nations plans to adopt a “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response”

December 1, 2023 - Deadline to REJECT the amendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted on May 27, 2022.

Mid-January, 2024 - Deadline for input to the 300+ amendments to the International Health Regulations that are currently being negotiated in secret.

May 2024 - Scheduled date for adoption of the 300+ amendments and the WHO CA+ Framework Convention (AKA: “Pandemic Treaty”)

Karen Kingston was Poisoned. Calls out Dr. Robert Malone & The CIA 'We Are Surrounded by Snakes'

Karen Kingston has fled to Mexico but believes she is being hunted by the CIA. She is desperate, frightened to death.

"I was informed by security, Ernest Luque, the security I hired that my message regarding the C19 injections and certain others put me on a government hit List. Eric was an FBI agent and was at the Pentagon for years under Obama and Hillary. Ernest informed me I have a 50/50 chance of surviving, at best. I was on gettr today and explained how I have been poisoned numerous times since the incident in FL via aerosol, food beverages..."

She is being hunted for the following reasons:
  1. She has recognized that much of the anti-vax movement has been infiltrated by people like Dr. Robert Malone who is actually a pioneer of transhumanism. He admits his connections to the CIA and FBI and is undermining resistance. He is an advisor to RFK Jr. who is also suspect. Rfk Jr. suppressed an interview in which she explained why Pfizer is liable. She advocates people organize on a grassroots level and eschew the “freedom movements.” She begs Malone and Rfk Jr. to call off the CIA. (The picture of Robert Malone’s Illuminati tattoo has been scrubbed from the Internet, including yandex.)
  2. She advocates the prosecution of Pfizer which has lost its immunity because it has engaged in criminal medical experimentation. She says, Sheriffs have the legal right to seize the vaccines.
  3. Once you edit the genome of a species you are exterminating the species. She says the “vaccine” contains an operating system designed to cull and track the population. mNRA vaccine is being put in our food.
  4. She pleads with law enforcement and the military. “Do you want to live in this kind of world? They are coming for you next.”
  5. “I chose to sacrifice for the greater good instead of suffering.”

Kids are not Just Being Groomed, but Mind-controlled - Sue Greenwald

Kids are being groomed and radicalized by perverts at Planned Parenthood and the academic elite through comprehensive sex education (CSE) and programs like critical race theory (CRT) in schools, explains Dr. Sue Greenwald, a retired paediatrician and co-founder of the Protect Nebraska Children Coalition. But they are not only being groomed, explained Dr. Greenwald; they are also being mind-controlled by the technology and media used in classrooms.