Nathan Reynolds was heir to an illuminati family fortune, but after a childhood filled with unimaginably horrific physical, sexual and mental abuse he learned that the cost of his inheritance would be his first born daughter, and his eternal soul. With the grace of God he escaped, but just barely. This is his story.
Posts for Tag: NWO
Matthew North Found Murdered in His Car With a Bullet to the Temple Not Long After Uploading This Video
Half Way to the 2030 Agenda
This week on the New World Next Week: the UN globalists meet to discuss their progress toward the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; the tyrants celebrate ID day with a new push toward the digital ID gulag; and the founder of Foxconn picks a Netflix actress as his Taiwanese presidential running mate.
Hitler’s Fake Death and Escape
Hitler and Stalin cover up the evidence, buried and reburied the body of Hitler revealing death of Hitler's double dental records. The true story exposed on Doomtowns.
Now Corporations Want to Hack Our Dreams
Maui Missing Kids, 9/11 CGI & the War for Your Mind - SGT Report Micro-Doc
This is a SGT special report: Maui’s missing kids, 9/11 CGI and the war for your mind. And stay tuned for a special bonus at the end, an original SGT Report micro-doc about 9/11 from 2015.
Dr. David Martin Lobbing Truth Bombs Exposing the W.H.O. and the Criminal Cartel
Here is the latest David Martin video, dated 13th September, 2023. He exposes the W.H.O. and its' cartel, as well as proving Covid is a bioweapon.
Evidence shows Pope Francis is a ‘principal in a cover-up’ of clergy sex-abuse in Chile (2018)
Those familiar with Jorge Bergoglio in Argentina before he became Pope Francis say it is a “classic” move of his to provide “mercy” to clergy who are sexual predators while asking everybody else to simply “move on,” said attorney and child advocate Elizabeth Yore on an EWTN show last week. [Read More]
Catherine Austin Fitts Explains Land and Real Estate Staling Tactics on Lahaina and Elsewhere
Learn how the government mafia burns neighbourhoods for “redevelopment” (i.e. steal and transfer to their friends in exchange for funding political campaigns). We also talk about global plan of W.H.O. to do the same on pretexts of “pandemics”. We discuss what people can do to protect themselves.
Source: Team Enigma