A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: NWO

New World Order Service Corps & Murder Inc. - Christopher James

The actionable information shared in this interview has the power to change your life for the better. Activist and researcher Christopher James returns to SGT Report to expose the income taxation scheme, NWO service corporations masquerading as governments, breakthroughs in light technology medicine which is curing people with chronic pain, and much more. Don't miss this one. Thanks for tuning in.

The Covid-19 Genocide Machine & the Criminally Corrupt W.H.O. - David Martin

Dr. David E. Martin returns after delivering tough love about the Covid-19 crime to governments in the UK and continental Europe. David is the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. He’s been among a select band of international thought-leaders investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, in particular the relationships between US public health officials, the pharmaceutical companies, and a number of shadowy organizations behind the development of hugely profitable vaccines with a poor record of safety and viability.

Now Bill Gates is Coming for Your Backyard Gardens

A new study suggests that urban gardens have a higher carbon footprint than "conventionally grown produce." Duh! Wouldn't it stand to reason that anything that is made to scale is more energetically efficient? Why are they coming for home gardens? Is this collectivization or are we being paranoid?

Tartaria - The Hidden Civilisation

In this episode we welcome guest Matt Roeske to discuss the topic of Tartaria, an ancient civilisation that has been largely erased from history! We cover a range of related topics, from suppressed knowledge and hidden technologies to the importance of questioning the official narrative. All the stuff you love! If you enjoy hearing about the possibilities of man kind and a glimpse of our potential as a civilisation then join us in this entertaining rabbit hole!

The New World Order a Second Look at the United Nations - G. Edward Griffin (2012)

Conspiracy Culture presents 'the New World Order a Second Look at the United Nations' with special guest G. Edward Griffin (author of Creature from Jekyll Island, World Without Cancer, The Capitalist Conspiracy, and producer of What in the World are They Spraying?') introduced by Patrick and Richard Syrett of 'The Conspiracy Show' at the Trinty-St. Paul's Centre for Faith, Justice, and the Arts, on Bloor Street in Toronto, Canada. Featuring the full speech and audience question & answer, PLUS a bonus interview with G. Edward Griffin hosted by Vijay Sarma following the event, including a question of the Federal Reserve "99 year lease" conspiracy, Mr. Griffin's thoughts on what are the most populist topics, & more...

Feminist Poison: Feminism is a Marxist Poison That is Destroying Civilisation

Feminism is a Marxist poison that is destroying civilization. Women are worse off and unhappy. Feminism has been used to demoralize and destabilize society, lower the population, and destroy marriage and family life, thus atomizing society to individuals with government as the replacement for interpersonal relationships and bonds previously being the nuclear family. None of this was an accident. A lie straight from the Kabbalah, a lie straight from the pit of hell Transgenderism is a Marxist lie.