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Posts for Tag: Moon landing

India Lands Cartoon on the Moon & Other Woo - David Weiss | Jeranism

First China and now India have successfully landed animations on the “moon” and in upside down world you are expected to digest it all as fact despite precious little proof that these scientific “accomplishments” are real. And in the case of India’s moon mission, the animation on South Park is better. David Weiss and Jeran join SGT Report to discuss it and more.

Did India Really Land on the Moon?

Last week, the Indian Space Agency allegedly landed an unmanned spacecraft and rolled out a rover onto the South Pole of the Moon. As usual, however, nearly 99% of the footage shown of this ground-breaking event was clear, obvious, and very poor CGI. Why do you suppose NASA, Roscosmos, the Chinese, Indian and all other world space agencies spend money creating and air-time broadcasting all these computer graphic animations of their expeditions rather than showing us actual video footage? How difficult would it be to have a few cameras on these crafts permanently recording different angles of the entire flight for us? They allegedly succeeded in having a live telephone conversation between Nixon and astronauts on the Moon broadcast on television over 50 years ago, but with half a century of technological advancement we still cannot receive live video from these rockets after only a couple minutes of ascent...

NASA & Kubrick, Moon Buggies & Murder - Bart Sibrel

In Bart Sibrel’s book Moon Man, a death bed confession revealed the Apollo missions hoax and the military base where the first ‘moon landing’ was filmed. What wasn’t in the book but which can be revealed here now, is that the coverup of the greatest hoax on mankind also involved a deathbed confession of murder. Bart Sibrel returns to SGT Report to discuss NASA, Kubrick, moon buggies and murder.

A funny thing happened on the way to the Moon

Award winning filmmaker Bart Sibrel (Sibrel.com) presents his highly acclaimed (and much hated) controversial documentary showcasing newly discovered behind-the-scenes out-takes from the first mission to the moon, proving conclusively that the crew never left earth orbit. Never before in all of recorded aviation has a flying machine worked on its very first attempt, much less the most complicated one ever created, landing on another planet on its maiden voyage, and returning round trip with a crew that lived to tell, all with 1960’s technology, even though the feat cannot be repeated today, by any nation on earth, with fifty years more technological advancements in rockets and computers, thus failing the simplest of scientific protocols, that of independent verification and duplication.

Emotional ecstasy and pride, clouds most people’s perception of the deplorability reality, that of a government deception to boast domestic morale during a time of unprecedented civil unrest from the unpopular Vietnam War. According to William Kaysing, a six year NASA contractor for the “Apollo” missions, a classified interdepartmental memo rated the odds of a survivable manned lunar mission on its first attempt with 1960’s technology, at only one in ten thousand.

The only way to assure success, and not risk killing the crew on live international television, was an artful bluff by the shrewd Nixon administration, along with their well acquainted counterparts in the CIA. This is why the returning crew looked so dejected, rather than triumphant, at their press conference, as they were blackmailed into lying about the alleged greatest accomplishment of mankind, to the detriment of their own souls.