A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: Marina Abramovic

Volodymyr Zelensky Visits Canada and asks Marina Abramovic to be Ambassador for Ukraine

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently visited Canada and he along with his host Justin Trudeau were greeted at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto to angry Canadians booing and shouting in displeasure of this alliance.

Trudeau vowed to pledge $650M more in funding to support Ukraine’s war effort on top of the already $9.5B that has already been contributed.

Meanwhile Zelenskyy recently invited the infamous satanist "artist" Marina Abramovic to be an ambassador for Ukraine so that she can “help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such."

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the ongoing Ukraine/Russia war that Canada has no business being involved in while also showing who the true aggressors really are and have been all along…Hint, it starts with NA and ends with TO.

Dutroux and the dead witnesses - pedophile network coverup

In the Marc Dutroux case, there were at least 27 dead witnesses. This investigative documentary was aired by ZDF (Second German Television) in 2001.

Why did it take eight years to finally open the trial case against Dutroux? When the trial took place, the new investigator took four days to disclose his version of events. The result: the seven-year investigation had shown that Dutroux was a single perpetrator, case closed.

This was the conclusion although everything indicated that behind Dutroux was an organized pedophile network.

The families of the victims were horrified and accused the investigation of having been manipulated.