A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: Khazarian mafia

The Khazarian Khaganate - Rothschild's Jew World Order

As it turns out this documentary had been completely scrubbed from the internet including deleted from BitChute.

This is basically part 2 of “The Greatest Lie Ever Told – History Is Not What You Think”. This was Originally Released in spring of 2016. This work is especially important to the understanding of the Russia, Israel, U.S., and other European nations and the Jewish Mafia connection. It's called the Chabad Lubavitch, which Donald Trump and his kids are all a part of.

Maui in 15 (2023)

We all know these “wildfires” were not natural, please SHARE so the rest of the world can understand the same. May God bless those suffering and may God strike down those responsible!

They're not Human - Dustin Nemos

Guess what? The enemies of humanity who prey on us and on our children are driven by a darkness and evil so all consuming that it can only inhabit those who are no longer human. Dustin Nemos joins us with the quantifiable, Biblical proof that ‘thy are not human’. When you are ready to go down the rabbit hole, begin here.

The Children of Satan - Dustin Nemos

The children of Satan are the children of darkness Archbishop warned about in his open letter to President Donald J. Trump. Every abomination under the sun can be attributed to this bloodline, as direct line to you-know-who. Dustin Nemos joins SGT Report to discuss this horrifying information which explains a lot. See the research for yourself at Dustin’s site.