Joining today Mark Goodwin, former editor of Bitcoin Magazine, author, and current writer for Unlimited Hangout, here to discuss what has become a very contentious topic, Bitcoin. Long has the origin of Bitcoin been a topic of discussion, debate, and even drawing lines in the sand. The reason for this is largely due to the justifiable concern that the enigmatic "Satoshi Nakomoto" -- the pseudonym that we associate with the founding of Bitcoin - might be nothing more than a thin veneer hiding a long-planned government operation. That debate alone has caused major shifts in the blockchain/cryptocurrency communities. Then there is the next important question to ask: Even if this was started as a government operation (similar to many tools we use to fight back today, such as the internet itself) can it still be used or possibly altered in order to fight back? We cover this and much more today as we dive through the history of Bitcoin, the many ways that it is currently being used by the incoming Trump administration, and what the future may hold down that path.
Posts for Tag: Jesus Christ
Was Bitcoin a Government Operation & Can it Still be Used to Fight Back? - Mark Goodwin
Satan can't Stop His Secrets from Being Revealed (2025)
From the Folks Who Brought You AIDS; Now Super AIDS! - Dr. Len Horowitz
Dr. Len Horowitz literally wrote the book on AIDS and Ebola and he returns to SGT Report to warn the world that the same people who brought you AIDS are back with the Super AIDS via Bioweapons “vaccine”. If you want to save a life, send this video to the pro-vaccine normies you care about!
When A.I. Knows Too Much
The Identification of Antichrist According to the Great Reformers - Rev. Stephen Hamilton
Virtually all of the reformers and protestants in the past 1500 years considered the bishop of Rome (the Pope) to be Antichrist according to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in both 2 Thessalonians 2 and John’s Revelation.
Moon Landing, 50th Anniversary of the Biggest Lie Ever Told? (2019)
GTFOH Show with comedian Matt Billon takes an in-depth look into the Moon landing. Watch and laugh at just how ridiculous the thought of man going to the moon in the 60’s.actually is. Could man travel 240.000 miles away in 1969?
R E K E W E G 6 - CRROW777
Crroww 777 returns to SGT Report with actionable advice on how to treat the “flu” without resorting to Rockefeller petrochemicals. Dr. R E K E W E G knew the truth and his NATURAL remedies are sill available today! We also discuss the war against Master Peace, the Yale study proving that the mRNA Covid “vaccine” is a horrific bioweapon and much more, thanks for tuning in!