A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: IOT

Bombshell: 45,000 US citizen dead from COVID-19 jab, 3rd and 4th boosters on the way


Dr. Jane Ruby reveals the plan for a third and fourth boosters being prepared for release as the push to inoculate every living being continues. 

A CDC whistleblower has signed a sworn affidavit confirming the numbers are being tampered with, and as many as 45,000 Americans are confirmed DEAD as a result of the shots being called ‘vaccines’. They also know how many have been injured and how. They are rolling out more vaccines in spite of this. It is as I have said premeditated murder. It is Genocide.

A chilling look at China's new 'digital dictatorship' and 'technological tyranny' gives us a peek at the 'mark of the beast' system coming to America


In this September 20th 2018 story over at Technocracy News & Trends which Steve Quayle linked to on his website days ago they reported that China's new dystopian 'social credit system' has been fully switched on and as we see in this must-read new story over at ABC News in Australia, China's new system is something straight from a science fiction movie or the 'fictional' TV show "Person Of Interest". [Full article]

"It is a bioweapon" - Dr. Richard Fleming

Dr. Fleming also asserts that new research indicates that the genetic sequences that are in the Pfizer and Moderna jabs do not match the source code CoV-2 virus genome, but are spot on with the prion-like domain region which produces what the general public refers to as mad cow disease. This interview will chill you to the bone, please share it far and wide.

Something strange is happening to our DNA

At the beginning of 2019, it was reported that over 26 million individuals had taken an at-home DNA test, but the companies seeking to profit off of the most unique thing about us still remain largely a mystery. So who are the two superpowers harvesting the largest trove of human DNA? What do they do with your DNA after they send you the test results? And most importantly, why should you care?

Look out for techno-populism - Trump signs AI Executive Order (2019)

As Trump signs the Executive Order for AI in America, it is important to warn everyone about what is emerging here. The techno-populist movement is something we have not heard much about. But it is clear that it is the direction this country, along with the entire world, is headed. Patrick Wood who is featured in AGE OF DECEIT 3, warns America to look out for techno-populism, despite his approval of the Trump presidency.