A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: IOT

God help us. Hyper inflation is here & it will devastate - Lior Gantz

Lior Gantz returns to SGT Report to warn Americans (and the world) about what is rapidly turning into hyper inflation. The price of gas, oil, iron ore, corn, wheat, soybeans, copper, palladium and nearly every single staple upon which we rely each day is soaring - hyper inflating. In fact, this week the price of nickel was up nearly 100% in a single day. What is now upon us is going to be absolutely devastating.

Perhaps you were made for just such a time as this - Esther 4:14

Dr. Lee Vliet, Todd Callender and Lt. Col. Pete Chambers join SGT to discuss the war being waged against humanity with mRNA experimental injections and the fast-tracked rollout of 5G towers across the world. Perhaps you were made for just such a time as this, patriot.

Chemtrails, HAARP & full spectrum dominance of planet Earth – Elana Freeland

We are entering a Space Age, but not the kind President Kennedy originally envisioned. This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battlespace” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.” This interview examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska service a full-spectrum dominance.

This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth” from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control. How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a “global village” lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that “eyes in the sky” are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions. Elana M. Freeland’s sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being “geo-engineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global smart grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and nano-biological hybrids armed with micro-processers that infest and harm human bodies. Is this what the fifth-generation wireless broadband technology, better known as 5G, is all about? To electrify our atmosphere? We also discussed the creation, mechanization, and steering of hurricanes as disaster capitalism thrives. Is weather scheduled or forecast?