G2O Water Technologies, a UK technology business, has managed to get its first commercial contract approved for the enhancement of water filtration membranes with graphene oxide. This makes it the first commercially successful application of the recently developed material for water treatment. Allegedly, the advantages of using graphene oxide for water treatment lies in the enhancement of membrane performance, as it mitigates the effects of “fouling.” Fouling is apparently one of the contractbiggest challenges operators of membrane-based water filtration systems face. [Full article]
Posts for Tag: ID2020
Contract approved to use toxic Graphene Oxide for water treatment in UK – the same substance found in CV-19 vaccines
CERN scientists won’t tell you this
Commie California proposes vaxx mandates for all businesses
Stew Peters with AJ Roberts - British military veteran describes the vaxx war on kids
Stew Peters is joined by AJ Roberts, veteran of the British military who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Roberts is the host of "The AJ Roberts Show", and brought a clear picture of exactly what's happening to our Western allies across the pond.