They've created motherless, fatherless rats, monkeys and humans from stem cells but they can't bring them to life. Could this be why?
Posts for Tag: God
Synthetic Humans and the Nephesh
The Ideation of AI
Sodom Isn't a Fairly Tale
Utah schools ban Bible from libraries, Ted Cruz now virtue signals to LGBT. Time for a reality/sanity check. Watch this footage (starting about 2 minutes in) of Sodom & Gomorrah today. An ancient archaeological warning that stands to this day.
Spiritual Warfare Unmasked - Dr. Len Horowitz
Dr. Len Horowitz joins SGT Report to discuss the plague of paedophilia and child sex trafficking at the very highest levels of society. We also discuss reawakening spirituality and you soul with God’s most healing frequencies. As we cover in this interview, the battle line are clearly drawn, which side will you live and die on?
The Next Million Years - Global Elite Text in 10 Minutes - Jay Dyer
Today's key text in 10 minutes comes from Charles Galton Darwin, his important work promoting the Darwinian ethos as projected into the next million years - yes, million. This book is Brave New World on steroids.
Demons will Communicate with You at This Concert (2023)
Luciferian Groomers Bigoted Trannies
They've "come out". A "gay conservative" offers an insight into the mindset of "radical queers" who seek to overthrow every institution and aspect of culture.
Space Woo - David Weiss & Jeran Campanella
David Weiss and Jeran Campanella return to SGT Report to discuss the latest space lunacy from Japan's "moon mission" to the recent Space X disastrous launch, all of which you are intended to "believe" with nary a single critical thought.
What is Biblical Cosmology?
What do we mean by 'Biblical Cosmology'? Scripture describes our earth, its face, its pillars, and the firmament. If we were able to behold these descriptions, what would it look like? What is above it, below it, and all around it? This video shows us a view of Biblical cosmology, faithful to Scripture.