A “science journalist” who writes for Science Magazine wants the world to know that human sacrifice is actually a good thing – just so long as it’s done by people with brown skin (never whites!) who claim it as part of their “cultural heritage.” In a recent tweet about a cover story she wrote for Science Magazine on this topic, Lizzie Wade stated that she’s “proud” to be able to share the news about a recent discovery of the skeletal remains of thousands of people who were sacrificed by the ancient Aztec empire in its former capital city of Tenochtitlan, located in what is now Mexico City. [Full article]
Posts for Tag: Fascism
Report: 2 kids dead after 24,000 children herded into stadium for jab
Nano technology roll out: CV-19 “vaccine” used for tracking - Dr. Carrie Madej
Aluminum nano particles from “vaccines” are entering the brain - explains tsunami of brain diseases last 20-30 years
Science Magazine celebrates mass slaughter of human beings, refuses to say it was evil… sounds just like the depopulation eugenics pushers today (2018)
Mt. Vernon, IN School Board meeting: Dr. Dan Stock exposes the lies
Mass psychosis - how an entire population becomes mentally ill
Professor Augusto Zimmerman warns government Covid measures are unlawful
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is well aware he is unable to lawfully mandate vaccination or conscription of any medical procedure. Therefore as Professor Zimmerman explains the entire Covid response has been and is unlawful. Cairnsnews fervently hopes the people will rise up in any manner or form but especially to start legal proceedings against nearly every politician in Australia. None of them have any protection at Common Law and their statutes are simply corporate policies which have no meaning or effect upon the natural citizens of Australia. [Full article]
Covid-19 does not exist for the rich - it is only for the poor shit munchers
1b. Vaccines are Pre-Planned Mass Genocide - A Plan to Make Money.
1c. Aussie bloke unloads on the Media - You're all traitors.
1d. Message to Lying Shitbags in Politics - YOUR TIME IS DONE! YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS.
1. Patrick King Straight after court.
2. No Mandatory Vaccination Party Interview.
3. We will be living with CovidHoax for decades.
4. SouthPark Cartoon Parody from NSW.
5. COVID has never been isolated, PROOF.
6. Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts.
7. QLD Premier faked the vaccine shot on TV news report.
8. UK Lawyer: Vaccines ARE NOT Medicines.
9. UK Lawyer: Vaccines are not lawful nor are they legal.
10. COVID Hoax is falling apart.
12. Dr Roger Hodkinson - Covid is a pack of LIES.
13. Govt of Ireland Admits COVID does NOT exist!
14. COVID is a Hoax Proven in Alberta.
15. Melbourne Protests send a clear message to All Australians.
16. NSW terrorise NSW family in their home.
17. Sydney COVID ward hospital hell.
18. FANOStheVOICE and Max Igan Interview.
19. Malcolm Roberts freedom speech.
20. NSW Police madness: "Prove she's your wife or she will get a ticket".
21. Do you Choose to say NO to a vaccine shot? If so why?
22. Bild Magazine offers apology for spreading fear over COVID hoax.
23. Aussie man had a gutful over the COVID HOAX.
24. Spineless Aussie Pollichickens serving globalist masters.
25. Walk outside Western Sydney during lockdown.... Risk being assaulted.