UN Agenda 2030 and Directed Energy Weapons expert researcher Deborah Tavares returns to SGT Report to document the ongoing deliberate destruction of California with evidence that these never ending “wildfires” are anything but natural. Alert the plebs, we all remain under attack by an unseen foe who wants us all living in 15-Minute UN-Rothschild “Smart Cities”.
Posts for Tag: Deborah Tavares
Scaler Weapons & the Silent War - Deb Tavares
Deb Tavares returns to SGT Report to expose the silent weapons for quiet wars which have been unleashed on humanity. From Turkey to Maui to Acapulco, no one is safe from the rulers of the darkness of this world who are beholden to a radical intelligent evil.
Death Zones & Kill Cities - Deborah Tavares
Researcher and activist Deborah Tavares returns to SGT Report to discuss Maui, the UN agenda to depopulate and enslave us with “smart cities”, which Deborah calls “death cities”, and UN agenda 2030 policies which will turn the people’s property into depopulated Hunger Games style UN zones.
5G kill cities: innovating depopulation
Words of warning about Rothschild, smart cities, UN Agenda 2030 and the 5G kill grid from Deborah Tavares. The evil is real, so is the conspiracy. Pass it on.