Posts for Tag: Death
A.I. Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology
Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea join Maria Zeee to expose their correlating findings that confirm our hypothesis regarding the transhumanist agenda. Human beings are being replaced with synthetic biology, the strange clots being found inside people causing them to die suddenly is hydrogel (programmable matter), and AI may be far more advanced than we could've imagined, already in the process of exterminating the human race.
Cancers & Death on the Rise: is the Covid Vax to Blame?
Warp Speed Sarcoma, Blindness from Retinal Damage Up 20,000%
Don't call it "turbo cancer", call it "Warp Speed cancer" - Trump got his shots out quickly by skipping the testing, using the public as lab rats.
Report 71 of the Pfizer Documents Shows More Horrific Behaviour by Pfizer
CDC writers strike & Chelsea loves vaccines
New modified RNA (modRNA) cancer jab will also destroy your immune system & how is modRNA created?
The horrifying truth is in the patents - Lisa McGee & Diane Kazar
What researchers Lisa McGee & Dr. Diane Kazer have discovered in the patents regarding the J&J Covid “vaccine” (which like Pfizer’s Covid-vax product is a bioweapon) is ghastly and truly horrifying. The war against humanity is a depopulation plan involving hundreds of corporations globally, scientists, doctors and traitors at the highest levels of government.
The end game, synthetic biology exposed - Celeste Solum
In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum joins us. Celeste exposes the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God's natural creation with synthetic biology.
Vaxxed: the global epidemic of sudden deaths - Dr. William Makis
Canadian doctor William Makis joins SGT Report to discuss the global epidemic of sudden deaths and to expose Pfizer and Moderna for the crimes against humanity which are undoubtedly tied to the mRNA bioweapon masquerading as a "vaccine".