A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: Death

Emergency Alert: Lockdown 2.0 - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Alex Jones was right, again. Mask mandates, lockdowns and new bioweapons masquerading as vaccines are coming, but only if we allow it and only if we comply. Persecuted truth telling Dr. Sherri Tenpenny returns to SGT Report to sound the alarm in this red alert emergency broadcast. Please spread it far and wide.

Karen Kingston was Poisoned. Calls out Dr. Robert Malone & The CIA 'We Are Surrounded by Snakes'

Karen Kingston has fled to Mexico but believes she is being hunted by the CIA. She is desperate, frightened to death.

"I was informed by security, Ernest Luque, the security I hired that my message regarding the C19 injections and certain others put me on a government hit List. Eric was an FBI agent and was at the Pentagon for years under Obama and Hillary. Ernest informed me I have a 50/50 chance of surviving, at best. I was on gettr today and explained how I have been poisoned numerous times since the incident in FL via aerosol, food beverages..."

She is being hunted for the following reasons:
  1. She has recognized that much of the anti-vax movement has been infiltrated by people like Dr. Robert Malone who is actually a pioneer of transhumanism. He admits his connections to the CIA and FBI and is undermining resistance. He is an advisor to RFK Jr. who is also suspect. Rfk Jr. suppressed an interview in which she explained why Pfizer is liable. She advocates people organize on a grassroots level and eschew the “freedom movements.” She begs Malone and Rfk Jr. to call off the CIA. (The picture of Robert Malone’s Illuminati tattoo has been scrubbed from the Internet, including yandex.)
  2. She advocates the prosecution of Pfizer which has lost its immunity because it has engaged in criminal medical experimentation. She says, Sheriffs have the legal right to seize the vaccines.
  3. Once you edit the genome of a species you are exterminating the species. She says the “vaccine” contains an operating system designed to cull and track the population. mNRA vaccine is being put in our food.
  4. She pleads with law enforcement and the military. “Do you want to live in this kind of world? They are coming for you next.”
  5. “I chose to sacrifice for the greater good instead of suffering.”

Horrifying Discovery in Unvaxxed Blood - Dr. Ana Mihalcea

Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins SGT Report to present her research which I personally find horrifying. We present this news and research in the public interest as the vax bioweapon genocide program coverup continues unabated as untold numbers of human beings around the world continue to die.

We have Their Nanotech Genocidal Beast Plan - Hope & Tivon

This is one of the most important broadcasts of the year. Researchers Hope & Tivon have uncovered that documents which expose the entire New World Order nanotech genocidal beast system plan. Here are the facts, spread them far and wide.

How The Few Control The Many - The Swarm - Dr. Shiva

In this eye-opening video, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, engineer, scientist, and inventor, delves into the systems of power, profit, and control orchestrated by a small group of elites. He discusses how interconnected institutions, including academia, NGOs, government, media, and corporations, work together to manipulate and divide the masses. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai emphasizes the importance of understanding the science of systems and calls for individuals to unite, become informed, and actively challenge the status quo.

SV40 Revealed in the Covid Vaxx, Vaccine Injuries, Excess Military Cancer Rates

Professor Murakami & Kevin McKernan confirmed SV40 in Pfizer vaccines. Putting a cancer-causing agent in vaccines suggests intent to harm & big pharma corruption. Researchers are reporting vaccine contamination dating back to the Merck polio vaccine which facilitated Mesothelioma. Data reveal some vaccine lot numbers are deadlier. Evidence suggests pharma intent to cause cancers & serious diseases while concealing adverse effects data indicate they were aware of.