A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: Death

Belgian court declares CV-19 vaccine passports illegal & threatened to fine region who impose it

Belgian Court Declares COVID Vaccine Passports Illegal  Threatened To Fine Region Who Impose It

Recently, in a groundbreaking judgement the Belgian court declared COVID vaccine passport scheme straight out illegal and threatened to fine 5,000 euros per day to the regional government that insisted and imposed it.

Earlier, the French Senate rejacted a socialist senator’s proposal to make the COVID experimental vaccine mandatory for all citizens living in France. Non-compliance would trigger a fine of 135 euro (about $150 USD), and 1,500 euro for re-offenders.

Now, the Belgian court highlighted a number of legal issues with a recent vaccine passport order in Wallonia, which includes apparent violations of privacy rights. [Full article]

The HIV-CV-19 vax connection (part 2)


Their combined efforts to develop a deadly germ with their hatred of humanity seems like some insane dystopian villain out of a James Bond movie. 

The sad reality is that there are such people, only worse, remember that these types of psychopaths tend to gravitate towards the Epsteins and Saviles of this world, they relish in the torture and extermination of demographics and even entire populations. 

See the Kalergi plan or sex-slave trade. Everything that is anti-Christian, and anti-human is what they are. In one word - demonic.

The HIV-CV-19 vax connection (part 1)


Their combined efforts to develop a deadly germ with their hatred of humanity seems like some insane dystopian villain out of a James Bond movie. 

The sad reality is that there are such people, only worse, remember that these types of psychopaths tend to gravitate towards the Epsteins and Saviles of this world, they relish in the torture and extermination of demographics and even entire populations. 

See the Kalergi plan or sex-slave trade. Everything that is anti-Christian, and anti-human is what they are. In one word - demonic.

VC-19 jab: a toxic poison with an agenda

“This plan is to make sure that we can control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned and so I think the justification for everything we see is warranted in understanding the endgame.” - Dr. Chetty

Dr. Chetty is a general practitioner with a natural science background in genetics, advanced biology, microbiology and biochemistry. From the start of the Covid pandemic, he has been critically watching the information arising from observations around the world.