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Posts for Tag: Death

Genetic Terrorism: Replicon & the Extermination Agenda - Dr. Daniel Nagase

Dr. Daniel Nagase has been on the front lines fighting big pharma’s Covid vax lies since day one. Dr. Nagase joins me with an emergency red alert about the new Covid REPLICON “vaccine” which is self-spreading, deadly and which has been approved for distribution in Japan. Replicon could result in the long predicted “great culling” of humanity if it isn’t stopped. Please share this critical information with everyone.

The Vax Plague Continues Unabated - Dr. William Makis

The unexplained sudden deaths of teenagers, young adults, athletes and people around the world continues, meanwhile fast acting turbo cancers are also killing people by the tens of thousands people and doctors and the FDA pretend they don’t have a clue why this is happening. But Dr. William Makis knows why it’s happening and he has the data to prove it. Join us for this breaking news update about the vax plague.

Support Dr. Makis’ Substack: https://substack.com/@makismd

The Abominable Secret - Dr. Robert Young

Dr. Robert Young returns to SGT Report with his latest research and the absolute truth about the abominable secret about which most folks on earth are still completely clueless.

UK Government Documents Quietly Admit a ”Vaccine Holocaust”

Governments generally try to bury bad news by releasing it on Friday afternoon, hoping that it will get buried in the mountain of news by Monday.

Imagine how toxic the news would have to be for a government to release it on the afternoon of a general election.

That’s exactly what happened in the UK this week.

While the people were busy voting out WEF stooge Rishi Sunak in favour of WEF stooge Keir Starmer, the government was desperately trying to keep this devastating story about the enormous number of children they have killed and maimed under wraps.

The complicit mainstream media might have given them a pass, but we are not going to let them get away with it.

Transfection, Democide & the Internet of Bodies - Dr. Robert Young

Dr. Robert Young returns to SGT Report with tangible scientific data that will blow you away. Do you know what’s in the new popular diet drug that’s sweeping the nation? Do you know what’s in the blood of all of us now? Do you know how to get it out? Watch now to discover the truth.

The Death of Cancer - John Richardson

John Richardson Sr. wrote the book on "curing" cancer, literally. But the definitive book on B17 (Laetrile) was written by Richardson's close family friend G Edward Griffin, 'World Without Cancer'. Griffin is alive and ticking today at age 93 in large part because he practices what he preached in that book. Here is the truth that you must know about "cancer".

Transhumanism is Satanism With a Brain Chip - Timothy Alberino & Joe Allen

Timothy Alberino and Joe Allen discuss the satanic roots of transhumanism. Quote from Joe Allen's article: Technology has inspired a dark religion, obsessed with power.

This is mechanical sorcery for the modern adept on the go. Through its miracles, the naked ape is granted clairvoyance (weather apps), telepathy (texting), remote viewing (surveillance cameras), deadly curses (autonomous drones), and even tantric rites (sexbots).

Transhumanists are reaching for loftier powers, though-virgin birth from artificial wombs, virtual astral planes, sentient social robots, and deified artificial intelligence.

TIME magazine’s “Transhuman of the Year,” Elon Musk, warned that the runaway advance of artificial intelligence is “summoning the demon.” The mother of his child, a techno-pagan known as Grimes, has even written hymns to this Super Computer God.

Worried that Homo sapiens will soon be overshadowed, Musk is pouring money into an implantable brain-computer interface, Neuralink, so we may commune with this AI deity. Looking far down the road, the most ambitious transhumanists long to transcend death itself through radical life-extension, or even mind uploading—the replication of your soul’s pattern in immortal silicon.

It’s like Instagram, only forever. Anytime the gods demand sacrifice and devotion, transhumanists demand immediate gratification. If that means storming the gates of heaven with brain-implants and hoverboards, then so be it.