A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: Covid-19

Euthanasia Booming in Canada: Infants are Next! Vaxed Horror Stories - Lt. Col. Therese Long

“After querying all pilots across the DOD, for all-cause morbidity and mortality, I found a stunning increase in the number of reportable events, spiking from an average of 226 reportable events a year (2016-2019) to 4,059 reports in 2022,” she explained. A DOD reportable event is any patient safety event resulting in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm—and all require a comprehensive systematic analysis and a follow-on corrective action implementation plan report. “The point is there is a statistically significant increase in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm in young healthy fit pilots,” she continued.

Such injuries were more obviously shown in this population. Because aviation pilots are required to have a superior level of health and fitness, and their health conditions are under more strict monitoring, according to Long. What spurred Long on to pull this second round of data was when she learned the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had quietly made changes to the acceptable parameters of PR intervals (representative of the first part of a heartbeat, measured in seconds or milliseconds) on electrocardiograms of pilots.

The FAA didn’t respond with research and data to support their decision, according to Long. Those actions led to the press release dated Jan. 27, 2023 from Johnson in a letter to the FAA, where he stated the following details: “Based on data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, the whistleblower [Theresa Long] reported that the total number of disease and injuries [reportable events] in pilots across the DOD was 265 in 2016, 252 in 2017, 164 in 2018, 223 in 2019, 2,194 in 2020, 2,861 in 2021, and 4,059 in 2022.” via @planettoday #PlanetToday: https://www.planet-today.com/2023/02/recent-data-shows-stunning-increase-in.html

Wait! The Elite Plan is to do What to Us?

In this classic clip Jay Dyer summarizes the overall gamelan of the elite, with a focus on the Jacques Attali text so many have not read or even heard of. Attali is the Kissinger of France, and a key global player. The book reveals all.

Pfizer & the Covenant With Death - Dr. James Thorp

Dr. James Thorp is a fighter and he can’t be bought. He has 40 years of experience and he’s got the goods on Pfizer and the death cult that pushed the bioweapon of humanity. These are the facts and the facts are beyond dispute. Powerful forces entered into a covenant with death – and this is the real story about the bioweapon masquerading as a "vaccine."

Synthetic Biology Transhumans and 10G


"I am Saddened to have to bring you this most disturbing, but truthful news...it is critical that we keep our blood pure.

The video is less than 4 minutes of your time. I cover this in my AI book just released and it is very real as to their devils agenda on humanity - https://rumble.com/v3u57e8-watch-this-like-your-life-depends-on-it-synbio-transhumans-and-10g.html 

Why are they now promoting 10G on all ads - naseum? That is double the power of 5G?

Why are AI ads appearing everywhere and why are they giving out free phone upgrades with no contracts? Because they are about to flip the switch on humanity and everyone must be connected to alter humanity.

It is essential that we get back to the gardens and do not get any vaccines - no matter what!!!

Resistance and Self Reliance is now Mandatory to survive the synthetic biology take over of all humanity as I write in

My AI book: https://planetruthblog.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/aa-ai-takeover_int_color_printer_102323.pdf

Remain Human - Unite!


World Deception vol.1 (2009)

World Deception is a series that will connect some of the dots together for you. It will make you understand why some of our top emotional feelings plays a large role in our life, why we have this fear of certain things.

It will also reveal to you many key points of things that surrounds us all joined together, in a way you can get a more clearly and better view of why things are as they are. And to show you things you already knew about in a way you maybe never thought of. It will give you a better understanding of the expression "free your mind".

Is the Covid Vaccine Causing Turbo Cancers? - Del Bigtree Interviews Dr. William Makis

Oncologist and cancer researcher, Dr. William Makis, is sounding the alarm on the sudden rise in “turbo cancers”, a recent term coined for the incredibly fast growing cancers found in COVID vaccinated individuals. Hear what the early data is showing in the causal relationship with the vaccine and the struggles doctors are having treating these patients.