A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: Covid-19

Remdesivir study manipulated?

The HighWire does a deep dive into Anthony Fauci’s NIH-Funded study of Remdesivir, the new Covid treatment darling approved by the FDA today, and uncovered some shocking discoveries.

House Resolution 6666

House Resolution 6666 introduced into congress by Congressman Bobby Rush (Democrat from IL) introducing the TRACE Act [COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act].

They are implementing their final plan, right now

Justin Trudeau, the hand of the Queen, just banned assault weapons in Canada. Lockdowns around the world are becoming increasingly more draconian with each passing day. And they want you to accept all of it while they prepare a vaccine for global distribution.

Ex-Russian intel officer: depopulation agenda is real

"They" think that you're so medicated, flouridated and distracted with meaningless entertainment that you can't connect the dots?!. ... In this outtake, a former Colonel of the Russian Military Intelligence service states that the current Coronavirus pandemic (or lack of?) is serving 4 main purposes: 

  1. Depopulation initiative
  2. Political control over the remaining population
  3. Deflation of the current financial bubble
  4. Liquidation of geo-economic competitors