LGBT are "shock troops" of building Christian persecution. The first, but not last, country in EU to criminalize discussion of "conversion therapy" has charged former homosexual Christian for talking about his conversion. Watch what he has to say: No, therapy - just Christ.
Posts for Tag: Christianity
The Emerging Church: Road to Rome - Roger Oakland
The movement leading Christians from a biblical faith to a more feel good religion leading protestants back to Rome.
The real Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut was not the movie Kubrick intended audiences to see. The studio cut 24 minutes from the film, and just few days later, the legendary filmmaker was dead. What was in those 24 minutes? And what happens at the real masked parties?
Top 5 reasons I'm not a Muslim - Jay Dyer
Satanism demystified
Biden admin begins literal State-enforced homosexuality, Christian nationalism trends in response
How Rome hid the Father & Son before the he-lie-o-sin-trick mode
This is by far the most important and challenging subject ever covered. There is no way to cover everything with one video, so only the basics included.
Prosperity gospel: rise of dark faith
The social justice warrior invasion of the modern Christian church
The LGBTQ indoctrination of Christian parents