A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: CPS

Horror story: son forced to become “girl”, dad loses all rights

This would be an unbelievable story if we were not already in upside down world. Jeffrey Younger’s ex-wife is forcing their 9-year old son to transition into becoming a “girl”, and a Texas jury says that’s just fine, and Dad has no rights. As E Michael Jones has said, Hell is the absence of logic.

Flu vaccine bombshell: 630% more “aerosolized flu virus particles” emitted by people who received flu shots.....flu vaccines actually spread the flu

Image Flu vaccine BOMBSHELL 630 more aerosolized flu virus particles emitted by people who received flu shots flu vaccines actually SPREAD the flu

A bombshell new scientific study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) finds that people who receive flu shots emit 630% more flu virus particles into the air, compared to non-vaccinated individuals. In effect, this finding documents evidence that flu vaccines spread the flu, and that so-called “herd immunity” is a medical hoax because “the herd” is actually transformed into carriers and spreaders of influenza. [Read more]