A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: Assassinations

Killing us softly - glyphosate herbicide or genocide? (2017)


One of the more bizarre actions in terms of the health and safety of EU citizens is the saga of Monsanto and its toxic herbicide or weed-killer, Roundup, the most widely used weed-killer on the planet. On October 25, 2017 the European Union Commission again announced that it lacked the necessary member state votes to approve a ten year license extension for weed-killer glyphosate. They will try again. Behind this seeming routine announcement is one of the hottest battles over food and human health the world has seen since the 1972 USA decision to ban spraying of deadly DDT pesticides on crops. This time the stakes go far beyond the ban on glyphosate. It affects the future of human fertility or lack of it. [Full article]

Eyewitness comes forward, "Sirhan Sirhan did not assassinate RFK" (2016)

Despite the fact that Sirhan Sirhan shot him in the head nearly 50 years ago, Paul Schrade attended the convicted assassin’s parole hearing this week to both forgive Sirhan and defend the shooter’s innocence in the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. After decades of research into the assassination and witnessing the event first-hand, Schrade continues to assert that Sirhan physically could not have fired the fatal bullet that killed Kennedy. [Full article]

The mysterious work of Stanley Kubrick (2020)

Stanley Kubrick was one of the greatest film makers of all time. He was considered a visionary and a genius when it came to cinematography. What exactly did his work truly mean, was there more to his films then meets the eye?

John Stockwell and Louis Wolf on the CIA and the Covert Action Information Bulletin

Parts 1, 2, and 3. Simply click next to the next part.

This program, featuring former CIA official John Stockwell and Louis Wolf, co-editor of Covert Action Information Bulletin, begins with an overview of the general nature and activities of the CIA. The two then discussed how the “Intelligence Identities Protection Act” and the Reagan executive order on intelligence agencies would promote media self-censorship and thus repress public scrutiny and criticism of intelligence (including FBI) activities - including assassination plots, destabilization of foreign governments, and assorted “dirty tricks.” 

John Stockwell explained how this legislation in effect amends the First Amendment by abridging freedoms of speech and press - without having gone through the constitutional amendment process. The focus is on specific covert and overt activities of U.S. intelligence agencies and their surrogates: the instruction in torture techniques to Salvadoran army troops by U.S. Green Berets; the attempted coup in the Seychelles Islands; the Argentine torture squads; the South African wars in Angola and Namibia; the attempted Klan coup in Dominica; and attempts to destabilize the Mozambique government – all of which are reported in Louis Wolf’s Covert Action Information Bulletin, which the U.S. government wanted to put out of business. 

The guests also discussed how CIA “disinformation” tactics manipulate public opinion by planting stories in the press and by financing and supporting right-wing newspapers. In the concluding segment the guests discussed CIA operations in Central America, including covert operations and “disinformation” campaigns directed against the government of Nicaragua.

The Society of Jesuits: the complete oath of extreme induction

The Jesuit Vatican New World Order

The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.

And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.

Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today. 

On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?" [Full article]

Dutroux and the dead witnesses - pedophile network coverup

In the Marc Dutroux case, there were at least 27 dead witnesses. This investigative documentary was aired by ZDF (Second German Television) in 2001.

Why did it take eight years to finally open the trial case against Dutroux? When the trial took place, the new investigator took four days to disclose his version of events. The result: the seven-year investigation had shown that Dutroux was a single perpetrator, case closed.

This was the conclusion although everything indicated that behind Dutroux was an organized pedophile network.

The families of the victims were horrified and accused the investigation of having been manipulated.