Red Alert Issued as Scientists Confirm Covid ‘Vaccines’ Trigger Deadly Hemophilia
A group of leading American scientists has issued a chilling warning to the public after confirming that Covid mRNA “vaccines” trigger Acquired Hemophilia A (AHA) – a deadly autoimmune bleeding disorder. [Read More]
Anthony Bourdain Death - Strange Facets & Questions - Jay Dyer
Hundreds of Studies Show DMSO Transforms The Treatment of Cancer
Cancer is one of the most challenging conditions to deal with in medicine, as two seemingly identical cancers can have very different causes. As a result, any standardized (holistic or conventional) protocol will inevitably fail some of the patients it is meant to treat. [Read More]
Pentagram Awards A.I. Warplanning Contract
The US Department of Defense has awarded a contract to Scale AI to integrate artificial intelligence “into military operational and theater-level planning." [Readm More]