A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Emergency Alert: Weather Wepons, Bioweapons & Hacking Humanity – Hope & Tivon

Deep researchers Hope & Tivon are back with a must hear urgent report about how the evil ones are biohacking humanity with deadly nanotechnology. This report could save your life IF you are not one of the Americans who may well be killed by the latest geoengineered category 5 hurricane ‘Milton’ which is currently headed directly for Tampa, the deeply conservative stronghold in the red state. @SteveNorrisTV on Twitter is reporting the following: “Milton’s central low pressure has now dropped to an Unfathomable 897 mb. This is nearing record territory (I haven’t seen it in my lifetime!) To put in perspective… Normal sea-level pressure is 1013.25 mb‼️ Winds are still 180mph.” And the punchline to this horror story? The same people who held the Event 201 exercise just prior to Covid, they just held a hurricane exercise which featured a monster hurricane hitting… Tampa, Florida. Pray for America.

Genetic Terrorism: Replicon & the Extermination Agenda - Dr. Daniel Nagase

Dr. Daniel Nagase has been on the front lines fighting big pharma’s Covid vax lies since day one. Dr. Nagase joins me with an emergency red alert about the new Covid REPLICON “vaccine” which is self-spreading, deadly and which has been approved for distribution in Japan. Replicon could result in the long predicted “great culling” of humanity if it isn’t stopped. Please share this critical information with everyone.

The Flat Earth and the Sabbath - Bill Pinto

Citing an atheist scientist, a Christian scientist, and a Catholic astronomer, Brother Bill Pinto explains that if one interprets the Creation account of Genesis literally, then they have no choice but to become a flat-earth advocate.

This is highly problematic for Sabbath-keepers who claim to believe in the literal six-day account of Creation, yet seek to uphold the model of a spinning globe.

For if one believes that creation week spanned six-literal days, then shouldn’t they also take a literal approach to the description of what God made during those six days?

And since the Sabbath is the memorial of Creation, isn’t it crucial to have a correct understanding of what God Created, in order to have a complete appreciation and respect for the memorial ?

Digital ID: The Foundation for Technocracy

Today the Independent Media Alliance brings you a panel on the rise of the digital ID, and how it is a foundational part of the growing technocratic agenda. We will discuss the interesting way that digital IDs continue to be the "solution" to whatever "problem" is currently facing the people, and how those problems can usually be traced back to the very government proposing the so-called solution. We will highlight the differing dialects used to promote digital ID by the different sides of the government, to give the illusion of opposition, yet show how all lead to the same outcome, and how all of this leads to the technocratic control structure that will enslave Democrats and Republicans alike. 

The Vax Plague Continues Unabated - Dr. William Makis

The unexplained sudden deaths of teenagers, young adults, athletes and people around the world continues, meanwhile fast acting turbo cancers are also killing people by the tens of thousands people and doctors and the FDA pretend they don’t have a clue why this is happening. But Dr. William Makis knows why it’s happening and he has the data to prove it. Join us for this breaking news update about the vax plague.

Support Dr. Makis’ Substack: https://substack.com/@makismd

High Crimes: Boys for Sale - Child Sex Slavery And the Elite

Disturbing public access documentary from 1981 that later was proven true … to the Franklin cover-up, the pedo priests, the Sandusky fiasco. This is an ongoing theme we see in the upper crusts of our society pedophilia with young boys within major 'respectable' institutions.

An enlightening documentary broadcast before the onset of the so-called 'satanic panic' in the USA. This documentary, therefore, provides us with insight into the actuality of the situation before the information became skewed by the subsequent propaganda and hysteria of the late '80s and '90s. The horrific details as outlined by Tom Philpott in this documentary are truthfully reflective of what was happening then, what continued to happen throughout the 'satanic panic', and what continues to happen today in all of the major metropolises of the western world.

The year after this Philpott was shot. He later reportedly committed "suicide". Mark McKinney, on the other hand, become a public relations guru for the Bush family.