A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Why Conservatives Avoid the Truth About Jeffrey Epstein - Ian Carroll

They know we know. They know that we know that they know. And they don't care. It's the ugliest form of disrespect for the American citizen that government and media pundits can commit.

Ian Carroll Directly calls out @benshapiro @charliekirk11 @jordanbpeterson @megynkelly @lexfridman @GadSaad @LauraLoomer

So, will they respond?

Spies, Lies, Murder & Vanishing Airliners - Mary Todd

Mary Todd’s son Shane was murdered in Singapore, and then the coverup began. Shane was an engineer for a company with strong ties to China and the Chinese Communist party. Shane suspected his life was in danger when he refused to become a traitor to US. This is the incredible story of spies, lies, murder and vanishing airliners.